How to Manifest Anything in 15 Minutes a Day

Manifest anything you want in 2021

Adam Haj Dawoud
10 min readDec 25, 2020

“You are what you want to become. You are a wonderful manifestation. The whole universe has come together to make your existence possible. There is nothing that is not you. The Kingdom of God, the Pure Land, nirvana, happiness, and liberation are all you” — Nhat Hanh

🧘 Ommm

The Ultimate form of manifestation of depression is not suicide but a new side


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In this article you will learn:

  • How 15 Minute Manifestation is about to make a positive impact on your life. a review about self-help audio program and how it’s designed to automatically rewire your subconscious mind. helping you dissolve limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset, and work toward manifesting the life you want bringing all of your dreams into reality.
  • You will learn how others did it in a testimonial video on how it takes an investment of 15 minutes a day for 21 days, to see results, and to live your dreams.
  • You will learn about manifestation from my own experience and how it works, manifesting the love of your life your dream job, or even health and money.
  • How your Soul Manifestation reveals the path that your soul is on at this point in your life. And help you Manifest faster and easier.
  • How AstroTarot Reading will help you Unlock the Answers You Seek with Divine Guidance from the Universe In your Free AstroTarot Reading. and help you manifest faster and easier.
  • Lastly, I will share with you the secret that most successful people on this planet used to achieve their life desires and manifest them with a new technique called Biorhythm.
“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.”
Steve Goodier

What Is Manifestation?

“Manifesting” or the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts to make them real or even visualizing, has never been more popular. From mid-March to late-October, Google searches for the term have skyrocketed 712 percent; Yet even pre-pandemic, interest had been gradually rising since around 2006, After The Secret which is 2006 bestselling book was published. At the same time as stereotypically, manifestation practices involving crystals, brain reprogramming audio, tarot reading, soul manifestation, Biorhythm, and energy wavelengths were reaching the general consciousness.

The act of manifesting either has a ton of complex rules or is whatever you want it to be, depending on who you ask.

Manifestation from my personal experience is where your thoughts and your energy can create your reality. If you are constantly being negative and feeling down, then you are going to attract and manifest negative energy as simple as that.
The first thing to do when manifesting is to take a look at your thoughts and feelings. Are you in a negative state? If so, you could begin to manifest things you don’t want in your reality tricky, isn’t it? This is why it’s important to clear your mind and have a positive mind when you are wanting to manifest and try to live in that positive state most of the time how is simple by transmuting this negative energy or situation into a positive one and learn from it, become an alchemist my dear.

Manifestation doesn’t just work with your thoughts, there has to be a form of action on your part. This could be applying for jobs that suit what you are looking for and going to the interviews you can’t just sit and wish for it, it doesn’t work like that.

Trying to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your dream; will then help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes a reality. This will then push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.

Testimonial on 15-minute Manifestation Audio

How To Manifest Anything In 5 Steps

When you read about the Law of Attraction, it can sometimes feel like it will take months or years to manifest what you desire. However, I advise you that if you carefully work your way through four distinct manifestation steps and use the tools I am about to share with you, it’s possible to get results a lot more quickly. In fact, if you are wondering how to manifest anything in simply 21 days, you may only need to work by those 5 steps and capitalize on the 4 secret tools I did share with you.

So, if you model this manifestation guide, you may well get exactly what you want.

Step 1: Clarity is Important

When you decide on something specific to manifest, you must know exactly why you want this specific thing in your life. You also have to pick something you believe you can manifest in this period. don’t and I say it again don’t send mixed signals to avoid this part and get more clarity, use this 15-minute Audio that will help you remove all the noise in your head.

Let assume you are clear on what you want when and how, for example, there’s little point in saying you want to start a new business in 48 hours unless you believe you can attain this goal in the next two days. However, you may well believe that you can successfully manifest the next step in your journey to start a new business in this period, in which case you might set that as your goal (e.g. to complete a business plan, get a loan you need, or find someone to collaborate with which will accelerate your process).

When choosing a thing to manifest, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How bad I want it?
  • How it will serve me in my journey through life?
  • When I think about it, does my state shift?
  • How it will benefit me and others around me?

Whatever you desire should be the greater good, and something you want in itself; most likely something that’s an important step on the journey towards a greater manifestation goal.

To sum this point up: decide what you want, have a plan and start working on it, and believe that you will receive what you ask for.

Step 2: Get Rid Of Anything That Stands In Your Way

Unfortunately, almost always there will be something standing in your way to success. Sadly most of the time these things are in the shape of other humans they could be part of your family friends, or it could be a mental blockage that you can remove with this biorhythm technique. ultimately those things shouldn’t scare you, this is just part of the whole manifestation process. And next, we will talk in-depth about it.

Three Most Common Manifestation Blocks:

Negative beliefs/Mindset/The fear of other people's opinion

If you are in a bad place emotionally and mentally, you need to first get yourself into the right mindset before you can successfully manifest anything. You can’t be focusing on negativity and expect to attract good things into your life, can’t mix the signals. So take some time to practice self-care. Try Soul manifestation as it reveals the path that your soul is on at that point in time.

Toxic people/Usually are the people we know and not a stranger!

When you are grinding to manifest your dream you need to make sure no one is holding you back. People who don’t believe in you, always criticize you, and/or complain about everything they are slowing you down and blocking you. I personally feel that all of us think we got time especially when we are young but believe me time fly by so fast, get started by using this Audio and combine it with Soul manifestation, AstroTarot, and biorhythm so you equip yourself and start to manifest your highest desires in the shortest time span.


Be patient but when? it’s when you have done everything you can to manifest then it’s time you can relax why?. Because Everything you want will happen. but it will happen at the right time and for the right reasons. So if something isn’t happening for you right now, it doesn’t mean it never will. Keep believing and keep working on your goal until it’s delivered.

Step 3: Visualization

You probably already know the basics of visualization and have at least tried to practice those techniques a couple of times. On your current manifestation journey, start by going somewhere that’s quiet and private, where you get inspired and in peace, and spend just a minute visualizing the thing you want.

Pour all your energy and concentration into seeing it with your mind’s eye, your third eye, and let all the good feelings about the object or outcome well up inside you.

This step works best if you do a multi-sensory visualization; if you can see, hear, smell, touch, and even feel. Make it as real as you possibly can, so it’s almost like it’s yours already.

Add as many details as you can, and don’t try to imagine exactly how the thing or outcome becomes yours; instead, focus completely on the result of receiving what you desire.

And by combining it with AstroTarot Reading you can Unlock the Answers You Seek With Divine Guidance from the Universe.

Don’t think about how your desired object or outcome will manifest and don’t try to see it coming to you through any person or means. Your center of thoughts should be on the result of receiving the thing of your desire.

“Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” — Bob Proctor

Step 4: Take Action Do Do Do

You can think of it for decades and nothing will happen but you work on it for a while and it manifests! , once you’ve finished steps 1–2–3 as described above, you are ready to work on it as you take action by what the AstroTarot Reading and Soul Manifestation told you, and what you learned about yourself in biorhythm, and what you visualized after you got rid of the noise and rewired your brain for massive success. just work on it, work on for a while and miracles will manifest in abundance.

If you find that you don’t get the outcome you want, look back at the first three steps and go back through them. Sometimes, writing down what you want (and some of the answers to the specific questions posed) can give the universe the extra nudge it needs to fuel your manifestation. an affirmation on daily basis can fasten the process as well.

There are some common reasons why you might not be manifesting quickly. In particular, consider whether you’re doubting the process which you should never do cause you will fall into the mistake of mix feelings and send mixed signals to the universe; you either not believe you’ll get what you ask for because you don’t think you deserve it or perhaps doubt whether it’s possible to manifest using the Law of Attraction?

Any kind of negative feelings (e.g. anxiety, worry, anger, and doubt) or negative beliefs can inhibit your results.

Step 5: Patience Recognize And Appreciate

Be patient as the results take some time that’s the irony when the universe tests us to see if we deserve what we asked for it tests out your patience first. Although this final step might not look that significant at first glance, it can do a lot to shape your manifestation potential eventuality. The key thought here is that you need to fully appreciate what you have once you achieve your goal. It can be easy to forget that you asked for what you received. Gratitude is a key to keeping what you received, so take proactive steps to prevent this.

Go back to what you first thought and felt when you were visualizing your desired object or outcome, and connect those experiences with the new experience of having what you want and what knowledge you gained from using the tools I recommended to you. Consider the tangible proof you have that thoughts are things, and that thinking in a certain way can create concrete shifts in the world around you.

The more you make this connection and maintain it, the better you’ll be at manifesting in the future (as you’ll replace negative, limiting beliefs and doubts with confident, positive thoughts and feelings).

If you have gone throw those steps and didn't manage to manifest your desires all I can tell is that this last solution, this new study, this last salvation tool is what you have to go with its what all these called the most successful on the planet and the celebrities been hiding from the masses you must align your self with your own Biorhythm, how? this could take hours to talk about I argue to watch this video of Biorhythm to understand more.

Now I want to hear from you. What steps of the manifesting process do you do regularly? What steps have you missed? Tell me what, if anything, you’re going to change in the comments.

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.” — Rhonda Byrne

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Adam Haj Dawoud

In his imaginary world he is the best-selling author. In reality, he is a nice guy who's trying to escape the 9-5 jail with help from his good bud Syl Stallone.