How to Train my Beagle

Tips for Beagle

Adam Haj Dawoud
6 min readDec 23, 2020
Where is my cookie 🐶🍪

AKC Breed Popularity: Ranks 6 of 196

Height: 13 inches & under, 13–15 inches

Weight: under 20 pounds (13 inches & under), 20–30 pounds (13–15 inches)

Life Expectancy: 10–15 years

Group: Hound Group

As with all dogs, early socialization and puppy training classes are a must. Treats are a huge aid in training your Beagle. Beagles do not respond well to harsh or any kind of aggression techniques, but patience, positive reinforcement, and even a little creativity will win out in the end.

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In this article, we will go in-depth about training your Beagle

Throughout centuries, these very important pups have rubbed shoulders with Royal family members, and in the mid of the 19th century, they became the hunting partners of the nobles. Beagles were found to be so suited to the chase that the ability to hunt down prey in challenging ground relying only on an intense sense of smell became known as “beagling.”

To be a good hunting partner, the beagle was bred to be intelligent, dynamic, independent-minded, and to have a strong desire to be part of a pack. Those great qualities, if not addressed, can morph into problem behaviors.

Chasing: No explanation is needed for how this behavior started. Because beagles will take any chance to get a taste of freedom, keeping a beagle on a leash and having a fenced-in yard is important for your sanity as well as the safety of your wannabe hunter. The National Beagle Club of America recommends fences be at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall and also suggests installing chicken wire or cement at the base of the fence to deter escapes through an excavated tunnel.

Digging: Beagles dig for a variety of reasons — boredom, to cool off in the freshly dug ground, or just because it’s fun. Whatever the purpose, distract him from the flowerbed by making sure they have plenty of suitable dog toys while out in the yard. If you have the room, create an area where your beagle can be a beagle and dig to his heart’s content.

Separation Anxiety: Beagles crave the recognition of their “human pack” more than most other breeds. If left alone for long periods, your beagle will get into crisis. Before heading out the door to work, give your pet a quick walk, a run around the park, or a game of Frisbee to burn off that overabundance of energy. This will help reduce his anxiety and keep your house in one piece.

Attention-getting Vocalizations: Call it howling, crying, or barking, beagles were bred to have a unique voice that carried for miles. What better way to alert hunters to prey? Since you probably don’t need your dog to point out a downed rabbit, train your dog to know when howling is and isn’t appropriate. By teaching your talkative pup the commands “speak” and “quiet,” you will have control over when and where he chooses to let his presence be known.

Ahhh what a sunny day 🌞

Because beagles were bred to be independent-minded and the masters of their path, your very important pup may think he’s the one in charge. Confirming that you are the alpha leader right from the start is crucial. Being the person in charge means correcting misbehaviors with a firm (but not harsh) tone of voice. For appropriate deeds, your tone of voice should convey, “You’re the best dog in the world,” and should be followed by treats. Luckily, beagles are very food-motivated, so as the keeper of doggie delicacies your dog will think, “You’re the best owner in the world.”
Obedience school should be started as soon as your dog is old enough to attend classes. Getting together frequently with dog owners and their puppies is a great way to socialize your dog, and since beagles can become aggressive if they haven’t been exposed to a variety of dogs, people, and situations, attending obedience classes could prevent future problems.

An interesting smell, a flash of something furry with four legs, a sudden need to run with the wind — just about anything can trigger your beagle’s “remembrance” of days gone by. All dogs need to be taught the basic commands of come, stay and sit, but for a beagle, these simple words could save his life. Always link these commands with positive reinforcement (food!) and great times. A dog that’s been asked to sit, stay or come for punishment will think twice about responding when he hears these words.
Some tips to remember when training your beagle to learn these commands are:
- Arm yourself with loads of treats your four-legged foodie uniquely enjoys.
- Don’t push your dog’s short attention span. Keep session time to no more than 10-minute sessions.
- Get the family involved by making sure everyone in the house is using the same training words and techniques. No need to confuse your pupil.

Chances are that if you’ve been out for a walk with your beagle, your anticipated stroll has ended up being a tug-of-war. Beagles are always scanning for that fox just around the corner, so you’ll find your walking companion trying to run with an invisible pack as you try to keep up. To break this habit, use the beagle’s obsession with food. As he lunges ahead, stop in place and call his name. When he returns to your side, give him a special treat and lots of praise. He’ll soon discover that being next to you is a lot more fun than storming ahead even if that fox is just around the corner.

A beagle’s nose isn’t just for show. Although most dogs have around 220 million scent receptors compared to only 5 million or so in humans, scent dogs have even more smell cells. The beagle’s small nose holds a whopping 225 million receptors, as many as a German shepherd, according to psychologist and canine researcher Dr. Stanley Coren. Beagles were born to sniff. Your beagle will spend so much time with his nose scooping the ground, you wouldn’t be surprised if he had skid marks on the end of his snout.
You can’t train a beagle, or any dog for that matter, not to sniff. It’s how they find out what’s going on in their world. You can, however, train your dog to sniff less at certain times — say, when you want to go for a walk. Get your dog’s attention with a treat. (Not surprisingly, particularly smelly treats work wonders.) Instead of giving the treat to your pup, bring it up to your face at eye level and say his name. After some pleasant eye contact and lots of praise, let him enjoy his reward. Eventually, looking up once in a while will become more of a treat than sniffing an elusive scent.
Your dog’s affection for sniffing, however, is also a great opportunity. Why not rejoice in your dog’s special abilities by playing sniffing games, such as hiding a favorite toy or treat around the house and sending your dog in search of his “prey”? Your dog will love having the chance to just be a beagle.

Lastly Some Notes:

  • Although they are loving and gentle, Beagles can have an independent, stubborn streak. Obedience training is recommended.
  • The most common reason Beagles are turned over to rescue groups is because either their owners or their owners’ neighbors got tired of their baying. Be sure that you are prepared to work with your dog to control excessive barking and howling.
  • Beagles can be difficult to housetrain. Some people say it can take up to a year to fully housetrain some Beagles. Brain training is recommended.
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed 😊

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Adam Haj Dawoud

In his imaginary world he is the best-selling author. In reality, he is a nice guy who's trying to escape the 9-5 jail with help from his good bud Syl Stallone.